Announcing A New Feature: The Palaeo Film Club Commentary Tracks

We are happy to announce a new feature in association with Palaeocast’s Dave Marshall, the Palaeo Film Club. Palaeo Film Club is a science audio commentary track series we will be producing for films that prominently feature paleontology, biology, and/or geology in their plots. In short, we will likely be watching a lot of rubber puppet monster movies.

If you’re not sure about what a commentary track is or how it works, fear not. Essentially, the commentary will be an audio track that you begin playing at a fixed point in the film (which you will be told in the write up for each commentary) which allows you to watch the movie in sync with our comments and lame jokes. This sort of thing is very much done in the style of RiffTrax/Mystery Science Theater and Red Letter Media. While I wouldn’t expect this project to be as amusing as the former nor as well informed as the latter, we hope you will still enjoy our attempt to make terrible movies just a little bit worse.

While this feature will be intermittent, we hope to upload at least one new commentary every month.  These commentary tracks can be streamed/downloaded directly from the website or you can also get them by subscribing to The Palaeo After Dark Junk Drawer podcast feed on iTunes. Feel free to like our facebook page at’ll be launching with commentaries for two films about killer ancient arthropods, “Amphibious 3D” and “DeepStar Six”. We hope you enjoy them!